Ft2188 that's a heart wrenching story. It's so cruel the way you have been treated but I admire your bravery and resilience. You are indeed a wonderful person. Welcome to this forum.
John Free
JoinedPosts by John Free
My story and what I'm trying to do with it
by Ft2188 inmy dad was an elder my entire life and my sister a regular pioneer for most of my life, along with my mother.
ill never forget being 4 years old and staring up at the stars outside and my dad leaning over to and saying "look what jehovah made for you".
my response, "but how do you know god is real"?
Things I Cant Stand Since Leaving Watchtower
by pale.emperor inwhat a breath a fresh air to be free of watchtower.
now i can finally rant about the things i put up with that i'd never put up with now.. in no particular order:.
little kids in suits.
John Free
Reminds me of a time a middle aged bachelor brother couldn't locate his shoes before leaving for the meet. He turned up suited but not booted, he had trainers/sneakers on. The PO/COBE was visibly shaking with fury. The Pharisees.
Things I Cant Stand Since Leaving Watchtower
by pale.emperor inwhat a breath a fresh air to be free of watchtower.
now i can finally rant about the things i put up with that i'd never put up with now.. in no particular order:.
little kids in suits.
John Free
Having to wear a tie and jacket on the platform even in very hot weather. - because we all no the bible commands that...the Pharisees. One year the WT coductor even passed out and was taken to a&e. They simply carried on with the meet replacing him with another jacket wearing hero.
Is it better to have a false hope than have no hope?
by sinboi injust got the news.
a very close classmate of mine met an accident and died last nite.... just 4 months after i da'd from the borg.. if i am still in, i wouldn't be so sad.
he has the hope of resurrection.. but now that i am out, i realise that resurrection in paradise is all bullshit.. so what's next?
John Free
There was an old brother that used to say "there were no atheists in the trenches". But then, is a period of extreme fear (or in your case grief) the appropriate time to be forming personal beliefs? Or would our ability to think rationally be blurred by what would be comforting to believe?
I would suggest dealing with the grief and shock first and giving thought to these issues at a more appropriate time.
What The Bible Says About War (Awake 2017 Issue No. 5)
by Divergent inhttps://www.jw.org/en/publications/magazines/awake-no5-2017-october/what-bible-says-about-war/.
the bible's viewpoint .
John Free
An interesting comparison between jehovah of armies and worldly nations such as the USA and the UK would be to consider how these parties have sought regime change. The latter while not conducting themselves perfectly by any means intended to limit civilian casualties when overthrowing the Taliban in Afghanistan and the Iraq dictator Sadam Hussain- attacking the military and military installations. The God of love Jehovah however decided that the best way to overthrow the Egyptian dictator pharaoh was to launch attacks directly aimed at the Egyptian people, even murdering babies in the 10th horrific plague-such a brave God. Yep you heard it here first folks, Jehovah hates violence...
New "Annointed" Brother In My Old Hall...
by pale.emperor ini've only just stopped laughing.. in my old hall there's a brother who's now claiming to be of the anointed.. he's 28.. i do wonder if he's doing this for attention, if he's awake and messing with them, or if he really is that deluded.
when i was in he was an ms. which surprised even me because only a year earlier than that he was "a bit of a lad", is rubbish at talks and relies on his elder uncle to get him out of trouble all the time.. i guess this now means he's get his pick of jw sisters.
he's been after the same one as the rest of his peers since 2014..
John Free
I doubt he'll have his pick of sisters after this revelation. The washtowel has already begun its response to the massive rise in anointed ones. Many are 'mistaken' others have 'mental issues'. It was highlighted in this thread-
For the UK folks - "Former professional boxer Dennis Harbon, 68, took own life, inquest told"
by ShirleyW ini get the google alerts for the dubs - an article from telegraph & argus features the story in the title, i'm not techy enough to know how to attach it here, but his wife id'd him a jw, then it says he was a window washer, so no doubt that he was def a dub, he's from mayfield place in wyke.
he was acting irratic jumping in and out of traffic and such.
is this a big story in whatever part of the uk this was taking place in?.
Long time no see
by caballoSentado in(please excuse any errors, my native language is spanish).
hi friends,.
it has been years, i beleive, since my last post.
John Free
Hello Caballo, nice to hear from somebody that goes so far back on this forum. i'm delighted your kids have done so well! It's nice that the next generation don't have to suffer the consequences of jwism- family breakdown, lack of education, missed career opportunities, time wasted. Well done on stopping the rot and bearing the rich fruitage that comes with leaving a destructive group like this one!
Do you feel comfortable being an apostate?
by Chook ini always found it uncomfortable to informal witness to people but trying to convince a jw to jump ship brings much more pleasure..
John Free
When I first left and came on this site I felt disturbed to be referred to as 'a fellow apostate', this was obviously due to Washtowel conditioning. Now tbh it's like a badge of honour.
A Short Life Story - Part 4 (Finale)
by pale.emperor ina continuation from part 3, which is here: https://www.jehovahs-witness.com/topic/4807117397557248/short-life-story-part-3#!#4918071166763008.
my wife had settled into a routine of waking up at 6am each day, cleaning (so no chance of a lie in for me or our daughter with the vacuum cleaner going), eating very little, picking the skin off her lips while she sits there in a trance obsessing over things that are out of our control and dont matter anyway.
she never did return to work.
John Free
Quite a story PE! Wasn't it Churchill whom said 'when you're going through hell...just keep going'. Looks like that's exactly what you did, I'm glad you are truly 'living' now.